'waterford central UMC' Tagged Posts (Page 10)

CUMC Programming Concerns Policy

This CUMC Programming Concerns Policy is released publicly to share the variety of concerns around music-making and dance in church. In this document you will find: Information on how the CUMC Arts Department is addressing those concerns throughout the 2020-2021 church year. The philosophies behind these decisions. A summary of and the most relevant links to the science that informed those decisions. Your safety is our highest goal and guides how we will care for each other until a viable…
Blessings in a Backpack-Waterford

Blessings in a Backpack 2019

Blessings in a Backpack in Waterford has its origins at Central UMC. The program, co-chaired by Judge Rich Kuhn and Barb Laing, provides weekend food for elementary school students who qualify for the free and reduced-fee lunches during the week. At Riverside Elementary school, the program fed just over 100 children for the weekends during the past school year. The result of this program is that children come back to school on Monday more rested and ready to learn because…

Liberia Luncheon

Do You Eat Out After Church? Or Are You Planning on Joining the CROP Walk? Why not have lunch with your Waterford Central family and support Central’s missions to Liberia while you’re at it? Lasagna • (meat, veggie, or gluten-free) • Salad • Garlic Bread • Dessert There will be baskets on the tables for a free-will offering to support: 24 student scholarships to the C.W. Duncan UM School Reconstruction of St. Mark UM Church in Kakata Pastor salary support…