Prayer Groups

Prayer Groups

Purple Threads

Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, fall through spring from 7:00 – 8:30pm.
This ministry is a Bible, book, and women’s study group and an intentional, intercessory prayer group. The group studies to enhance faith and maintain an active, intentional prayer life. The group supports neighbors near and far with distinctive prayer notes, cards, and personal contact. Purple Threads is open to all women.

Caring Core

This ministry is ongoing.
The purpose of the Caring Core is to keep in loving contact with those who had surgery or are otherwise homebound, in a nursing home, or moved to a nursing home, to be near family members, or moved for other reasons. Each month, Caring Core volunteers send cards, make calls, and pray for people on our prayer list of 80+ people.

Prayers with Students

A prayer ministry designed to connect children and youth with adults to pray for one another and build friendships.

Third Grade Bible Friends

Organized in September
Act as a mentor to a 3rd-grade student by presenting a Bible to him/her and praying for them throughout their 3rd-grade year.