'Advent' Tagged Posts
Advent & Christmas 2023
Holiday Giving Opportunities Clothe-a-Child Help clothe children from the Waterford school district by making a monetary donation. Make checks payable to the church with “Clothe-a-Child” in the memo. Food Pantry Reverse Advent Challenge Pick up a calendar from the Narthex or download it from https://bit.ly/reverse-advent-23 and collect one item each day in December, then donate them in January to Central’s Food Pantry. Compassionate Christmas Cards Purchase Christmas cards from November 26th through Sunday, December 17th for a donation of $5 per…
Order Your Christmas Poinsettias
If you would like to order a poinsettia to decorate the Sanctuary for the Christmas season, click here for a printable order form.

Advent & Christmas 2022
Holiday Giving Opportunities Clothe-a-Child Help clothe children from the Waterford school district by making a monetary donation. Make checks payable to the church with “Clothe-a-Child” in the memo. Food Pantry Reverse Advent Challenge Pick up a calendar or download it from https://bit.ly/reverse-advent-22 and collect one item each day in December, then donate them in January to Central’s Food Pantry. Compassionate Christmas Cards Purchase Christmas cards through Sunday, December 19th for a donation of $5 per card. Donations will go to various Central…
Advent By Candlelight 2022
Sunday, December 4, 3:00 – 4:30 Advent by Candlelight is a way for the women of Central Church to enter into this year’s Advent season with a quiet celebration and reflection on the Christmas season. We will have a short program in the Sanctuary, followed by a festive tea in Fellowship Hall. A goodwill offering will be taken for UMCOR ministries supporting Ukraine and Hurricane Ian relief efforts. How to Sign up Option 1: Sign up for an eight-top round table…

Christmas Services 2022
Blue Christmas Wednesday, December 14th, 7:00pm A service of remembrance and encouragement. Leave your pain, loss and discouragement at the altar in readiness to find peace this Advent season. Family Christmas Friday, December 23rd, 5:00pm An inter-generational, family-friendly “candlelight” Christmas service that is interactive and engaging. Christmas Eve Friday, December 24th 8:00pm—Lessons and Carols. Featuring the Central & Reunion Dancers and Covenant Choir. 11:00pm—Carols & Communion. Music by the Covenant Choir. Christmas Day Sunday, December 25th, 10:30am Pastor Jack’s message:…
The Advent Experience
Sunday, December 5, 2021 3:00 – 4:30pm A relaxing time for women to gather for worship and experience the art and music of Advent before the bustle of the Christmas season. Everyone is welcome; no RSVP is needed. The event will feature a panel discussion on Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. Our charitable partner this year is The Art Experience – a Community Art Studio in Pontiac that supports the Arts, as well as providing an Art Therapy Studio. After…
2021 Advent & Christmas Programming
Click here to download a copy of the 2021 Advent and Christmas brochure. Advent Worship and Message Series Based on Adam Hamilton’s Book The Journey. Worship at 10:30 am In-Person or Online at Live.WaterfordCUMC.org November 28th – First Sunday of Advent Baby’s First Christmas and United Methodist Student Day. Pastor Jack’s message: “The Journey: Mary of Nazareth.“ December 5th – Second Sunday of Advent Pastor Jack’s message: “The Journey: Joseph of Bethlehem.“ December 12th – Third Sunday of Advent Rev.…
Advent & Christmas 2018
Advent Worship: Creating a Culture of Calling Message Series First Sunday in Advent – Sunday, December 2nd Services at 9:15 and 10:30am. Baby’s First Christmas at the 10:30am service. Pastor Jack’s message: “The Stories We Live–Called For… “ Music by the Chancel Choir and Agape Ringers. Second Sunday in Advent – Sunday, December 9th Services at 9:15 and 10:30am. Pastor Jack’s message: “The Stories We Live–Called Through…“ Christmas Cantata during 10:30 worship presented by the children and youth. Third Sunday in…
Join Us for #pictureadvent
Join the staff of Central UMC for a fun way to practice intentional discipleship. Use the graphic above to find the theme of the day. Take a picture and post it to your favorite social media site with the hashtag #pictureadvent. Make sure to tag CUMC in Facebook, Twitter or Instragram so that it shows on our profile, too. You can tag us using: Facebook: WaterfordCUMC Twitter: WaterfordCUMC Instragram: waterfordcentralumc
2017 Advent & Christmas Programming
Connecting with God: Advent Services First Sunday in Advent: Sunday, December 3rd Services at 8:30, 10:00 and 10:30am The Redemption of Scrooge Sermon Series: Bah! Humbug! God’s Business of Redemption. Music by the Chancel Choir and Agape Ringers. Second Sunday in Advent: Sunday, December 10th Services at 8:30, 10:00 and 10:30am Baby’s First Christmas. The Redemption of Scrooge Sermon Series: No Time Like the Present. Music by Chancel Choir and the Carol and New Joy Choir. Third Sunday in Advent:…