Virtual Hymn Sing – Summer 2020

Virtual Hymn Sing – Summer 2020

The results are in for Central’s first “Virtual Hymn Sing.” For this event, we have selected the 4 “most voted for” hymns; you are welcome to sing on any or all of them. We are hoping that some greater familiarity with these beloved hymns emboldens more of you to join in. The hymns you have chosen are below. Please pay close attention to the verses when you record:

  • #77     How Great Thou Art        Vs. 1&3
  • #145   Morning Has Broken        Vs. 1&3
  • #377   It Is Well With My Soul    Vs. 1&2
  • #344   Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore    Vs. 1&3

Here is the link for all of the help files:

In here you will find:

  1. Instructions for how to record (please watch this first)
  2. Vocal with accompaniment tracks for each hymn
    • We have included melody help tracks for all of you, but if you are someone who enjoys doing a specific part on these hymns, please feel free to do that as well. Hymn singing should be a joy, and we want your joyous voices singing what you love with each one of these.
  3. Accompaniment only tracks for each hymn
  4. Choral warm-ups in case you aren’t used to getting your voice ready to sing on your own
  5. A pdf of the sheet music of each hymn in case you don’t have a hymnal at home.

After you have a recording you are happy with, please go to this link and upload your file(s):

Your files should be submitted to me by 8 pm on Thursday, June 18th.

If you have any technical concerns, please contact Kevin Naeve at [email protected],

Let’s make a joyful noise to the Lord!