'VBS' Tagged Posts
VBS 2022: Knights of North Castle – Quest for the King’s Armor
Monday, June 20th through Friday, June 24th, 9am-Noon North Castle is hidden in a frozen land. The King’s valiant Knights are on a quest in search of the King’s Armor. But the armor isn’t what they think it is. Help kids take up the gauntlet this summer and accept the challenge to “armor up” and be strong by remaining with God and sharing God’s love in a world that needs it more than ever. Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a week-long,…
VBS 2019
Monday, June 24th – Friday, June 28th, 9am – Noon To Mars and Beyond! During VBS kids will explore the wonders of God’s power at work within themselves and others. From their very own outpost on Mars, they’ll blast off to distant planets on exciting missions. The adventure will be out-of-this-world fun, and include learning and timeless Bible stories that will inspire kids to give glory to God! Each day Voyagers will rotate daily through several activity areas, including: Opening…
VBS Volunteers Needed
Lead kids on an action-packed VBS adventure! Cokesbury’s Rolling River Rampage invites children on a white-water rafting adventure to experience the ride of a lifetime with God! Along the river, children discover that life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise, and that they can trust God to be with them through anything. Relevant music, exciting science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories will help kids know that God is always with them as they…