'Michigan' Tagged Posts (Page 5)

Summer Sunday Fun

Join Central’s summer leaders on Sundays after Children’s Time (during 10:30 am worship) for some excellent summer fun for all ages. June 11 – Wonder Lab July 2 – Imagination Station July 9 – Jonah & the Big Fish July 16 – Walkin’ on Water July 23 – Wet N’ Wild July 30 – Chef’s Challenge August 6 – Ginormous Aquarium August 13 – Sand Castles Beach Day August 20 – The Great Crossing Everyone is welcome, so invite a…

Rummage Sale 2023

This church rummage sale is the sale to end all sales, with over 20,000 sq. feet of discounts. Items are donated from the Waterford community, so the selection is awesome! Spring is the time for this sale, as we clean out closets, garages, and attics and there are treasures galore, including a Boutique and French Room featuring jewelry and high fashion items. Everything is priced to move! Proceeds from the sale go back into the community by way of donations…

Lenten Food Drive

Lent is a season for both giving and giving up food. Count down the days to Easter by adding an item each day to a bag. On Sundays during Lent place your donations on the table at the front of the sanctuary. Donated items will be blessed each Sunday and distributed to our neighbors during the week. Here’s a suggested calendar. Feb. 22: Ash Wednesday, Tuna Feb 23: Chicken Noodle Soup Feb. 24: Apple Sauce Feb. 25: Canned green beans…