'generosity campaign' Tagged Posts

Stewardship 2023

I love stained glass windows and I have loved the beautiful windows in our church sanctuary since becoming your pastor nine years ago. Our windows teach about the life of Jesus and the many facets of his earthly ministry. Christians have long had a positive relationship with light, and as light illuminates our beautiful windows, we celebrate Jesus Christ as the light of the world. We are inspired to be more like Jesus, sharing love and compassion, seeking justice, and…

Generosity 2020

During the four messages of our Jesus and We campaign, we considered what it would mean to be faith-filled, big-thinking, bet the farm risk-taking followers of Christ, asked whether we are spiritual consumers or spiritual contributors, explored what it means to be irrationally generous, and examined what it looks like to do anything (short of sin) to change our world with the love of Christ. In his greeting to the people of Philippi (Philippians 1:3-7), Paul recognized that the people…