'Central United Methodist Church' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Lenten Food Drive 2024

Lent is a season for both giving and giving up food. Count down the days to Easter by adding an item each day to a bag. On Sundays during Lent place your donations on the table at the front of the sanctuary. Donated items will be blessed each Sunday and distributed to our neighbors during the week. Suggested Food Collection Calendar Feb. 14: Ash Wednesday, Tuna Feb 15: Chicken Noodle Soup Feb. 16: Apple Sauce Feb. 17: Canned green beans…

Advent & Christmas 2023

Holiday Giving Opportunities Clothe-a-Child Help clothe children from the Waterford school district by making a monetary donation. Make checks payable to the church with “Clothe-a-Child” in the memo. Food Pantry Reverse Advent Challenge Pick up a calendar from the Narthex or download it from https://bit.ly/reverse-advent-23 and collect one item each day in December, then donate them in January to Central’s Food Pantry. Compassionate Christmas Cards Purchase Christmas cards from November 26th through Sunday, December 17th for a donation of $5 per…