Something Greater Than Jonah

Something Greater Than Jonah

Jesus and the Prophets Message Series

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This message is a study in contrast. When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign, Jesus questions their motivation in wanting that sign. Jonah ran from God’s call upon his life; Jesus accepted God’s will for him. Jonah called for repentance but would rather die than live in a world with the redeemed people of Ninevah; Jesus’ death provides redemption for everyone. Where Jesus and Jonah are similar is that they both experience resurrection after three days of what seemed to be the end of their lives. Jonah emerged from a large fish and Jesus from the grave. Jesus proclaimed, “Something greater than Jonah is here!” Based on Jonah 3:1-4:5 and Matthew 12:38-41.

Click Here to Download the Message Notes and Daily Study Guide for This Message.

Pastor Jack’s Daily Video Devotionals Based on This Message