Down But Not Out

Down But Not Out

When we’re feeling overwhelmed, the phrase “down but not out” might be just the right description of where we are at that moment. The author of Psalms 42 and 43 did. (Bible scholars say the two psalms were originally a single poetic unit.) “My soul is cast down within me,” the psalmist wrote (42:6), and that feeling was unrelenting, for he also said, “My tears have been my food day and night” (42:3). He also asks rhetorically, “Why must I walk about mournfully?” (42:9). Whatever was going on — and scholars surmise that the psalmist was among those in exile in Babylon — it was all too much. I hope that I can turn this message into a meaningful exploration of being leaders in our families — especially on this observance of Father’s Day. How do we teach each other about perseverance in tough times?