Online Giving is Changing

Online Giving is Changing

Please Update Your Online Giving App by January 31st

If you give online through the GivePlus App, please be aware that Vanco (the app developer) is retiring that app on January 31st, 2022, and moving to a new app. Before that date, please download and install the new app. To get it, go to Google Play (Android) or the App Store (Apple) and search for “Vanco Mobile.” Download the app called “Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement.” If you have been giving through GivePlus you will already have an account, although you will have to login and re-select “Central United Methodist Church.” There are a few churches named “Central United Methodist Church,” so make sure to select the one at 3882 Highland Rd in Waterford. If you can’t remember your password use the password reset option to change it. You can continue to give online at Central’s website and through text-to-give. If you have questions or are having issues, please contact Robin Danek ( If you are new to mobile giving, watch this short video at