Holy Week Services
March 24th Palm Sunday, 10:30am
- Message: Jesus and the Prophets: Zechariah’s Hope, based on Zechariah 9:9-12 and Mark 11:1-11.
March 28th Maundy Thursday, 7:00pm
- A worship service commemorating the Last Supper. Holy Communion will be served.
- Message: Jesus and the Prophets: A Servant to the End, based on Isaiah 53:1-12 and John 13:1-15.
March 29th Good Friday
- 12:30pm Community Worship At Central
- 7:00pm Sanctuary Worship
- Message: Jesus and the Prophets: Fulfilling the Prophecies, based on John 19:14-42.
March 31st Easter Sunday
- 8:00am & 10:30am Services
- Message: Jesus and the Prophets: Just An Old-Fashioned Love Song, based on Ezekiel 37:1-14 and
Luke 24:13-35. - Easter Brunch will be served between Easter services. So that we can plan appropriately, please sign up using the form below if you plan to attend.
Lenten Message Series: Jesus and the Prophets
In our Lent message series, we will explore the hopes and desires of the Hebrew prophets and how those hopes and desires, as well as their experiences, connect with Jesus the Christ.