

Administrative Assistant

Full Time, 32 hours/week
Direct Report: Sr. Pastor and SPRC

This important position is in charge of welcoming all guests and members to the church office as well as coordinating facilities to carry out the ministries of the church. Candidate should possess a desire to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, a high school degree or equivalent, be friendly and welcoming, and have excellent organizational skills. Mandatory background check every 2 years. Click here for a full job description. If you are interested in this position, please send a resume and cover letter to Kathy Chao at [email protected].

Technology and Media Specialist

Part-time hourly, 10-15 hours/week
Direct Report: Trustees / SPRC / Senior Pastor
Oversee AV and streaming technology and personnel for weekly Sunday worship and special events. Provide technical assistance and support to staff on the application of technologies and resolution of technical issues. Click for full job description. If you are interested in this position, please contact the church office at (248) 681-0040 and ask for Robin.