Posts by Robin Danek (Page 11)

Church Rummage Sale 2022

The Spring Rummage Sale is Back! Stop by and check out our amazing assortment of gently used items, including household items, clothes, books, games, kid’s items, and more. Special French Room featuring jewelry and fashion items. Over 20,000 square feet of items at incredible discount prices. Thursday Early Bird, May 5th, Noon–1 pm ($2 entrance fee) Thursday, May 5th, 1 pm–6 pm Friday, May 6th, 10 am–4 pm Saturday Bag Day, May 7th, 9 am-Noon Bags are one for $3…

Arina Piano Duo Four Hands Recital

Sunday, April 24th, 3pm Please join Waterford Central UMC in presenting two celebrated pianists in concert in our Sanctuary. Dr. Aran Kim and Dr. Marina Stojanovska will combine their talents for a concert including works by Dvorak, Schubert, Brahms, and Detroit’s own Colin Payne. The concert is open to the public and a free-will offering will be taken to support the performers as well as the Central Church music department. Don’t miss the sensitivity and virtuosity of these two gems…

Prayer for Ukraine

The beautiful Prayer for Ukraine by Oleksandr Konysky and Mykola Lysenko. Performed by Leslie Naeve, Dr. Aran Kim (accompanist), and the Covenant Choir of Central United Methodist Church of Waterford, MI.

Holy Week 2022

Palm Sunday Sunday, April 10th @ 10:30am Begin the journey to the cross at this festive worship service remembering Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 14th @ 7:00pm A contemplative worship service that commemorates Christ’s last supper with his disciples. Holy Communion will be served. All are welcome. Good Friday Friday, April 15th, Noon & 7:00pm This service remembers the crucifixion as Christ hung dying on the cross. It is a…

Easter Lily Orders

Please use the form below to order Easter lilies. The deadline for ordering Easter lilies is March 13th. Click to enlarge.