'United Methodist' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

VBS 2022: Knights of North Castle – Quest for the King’s Armor

Monday, June 20th through Friday, June 24th, 9am-Noon North Castle is hidden in a frozen land. The King’s valiant Knights are on a quest in search of the King’s Armor. But the armor isn’t what they think it is. Help kids take up the gauntlet this summer and accept the challenge to “armor up” and be strong by remaining with God and sharing God’s love in a world that needs it more than ever. Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a week-long,…

Church Rummage Sale 2022

The Spring Rummage Sale is Back! Stop by and check out our amazing assortment of gently used items, including household items, clothes, books, games, kid’s items, and more. Special French Room featuring jewelry and fashion items. Over 20,000 square feet of items at incredible discount prices. Thursday Early Bird, May 5th, Noon–1 pm ($2 entrance fee) Thursday, May 5th, 1 pm–6 pm Friday, May 6th, 10 am–4 pm Saturday Bag Day, May 7th, 9 am-Noon Bags are one for $3…

Holy Week 2022

Palm Sunday Sunday, April 10th @ 10:30am Begin the journey to the cross at this festive worship service remembering Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 14th @ 7:00pm A contemplative worship service that commemorates Christ’s last supper with his disciples. Holy Communion will be served. All are welcome. Good Friday Friday, April 15th, Noon & 7:00pm This service remembers the crucifixion as Christ hung dying on the cross. It is a…

Lent Programming 2022

Ash Wednesday, March 2nd 6:30–9:00am—Drive Thru Coffee & Ashes 9:00am–noon—Ashes available in the Chapel 7:00pm Service of Ashes—Message: Pass Me Not—The Vision of Lent, by Pastor Jack Mannschreck. Based on Mark 10:46-52. Join Online Worship at Live.WaterfordCUMC.org -or- In-Person at 3882 Highland Rd., Waterford, MI 48328 [click for map] Studies and Devotionals Lenten Message Study, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm with Pastor Jack, via Zoom A weekly deep dive into our Lenten message series Pass Me Not. We’ll look at the scripture,…