'United Methodist' Tagged Posts (Page 3)

Stewardship 2024

Dear Friends in Christ, October 15 is our Commitment Sunday, when will celebrate our theme for this year’s stewardship campaign—Join the Team! The CUMC Team!—and you will be invited to make your estimate of giving toward the ministry of Central United Methodist Church! As an act of worship, you will be asked to bring your commitment card to the front of the Sanctuary and place it on the Communion Table. As we work toward meaningful ministry in a post-pandemic world,…

Men’s Summit 2023

February 3-5, 2023 Skyline Camp & Retreat Center (5650 Sandhill Rd.; Almont, MI 48003) $125 – includes two nights & four meals. Register by 12/31/2022 and save $10. For well over a decade our Men’s Summit has been a wonderful opportunity for men to gather for the purpose of connecting with each other and God. Skyline Camp & Retreat Center is about an hour away from Waterford Central and is a beautiful setting for our time together. We will have…
Central UMC Rally Day 2017

Rally Day 2022

Sunday, September 11th Join us for a special worship service celebrating the staff of Central, with a church potluck afterward. The church will provide hamburgers and hot dogs, so bring a dish or dessert to share. After the potluck, Dan Briere from Little Creatures Company will join us with his collection of non-venomous snakes, lizards, large invertebrates, amphibians, small mammals, and tropical birds. Dan will talk about each animal’s unique history and habits in an age-appropriate manner. Many of the…