'faith formation' Tagged Posts
Family Fun ’21
Parents and Caregivers of preschool and elementary-aged children, we are looking for your input on summer programs to help us create a plan that best serves our community. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey found at: https://forms.gle/hv94LLq422GuDCGW8. We’re thankful for your input and hope to find safe and fun ways to connect this summer. Blessings, -Rev. Cora, Director of Life-long Faith Formation
Winter/Spring 2018 Faith Formation Opportunities
New year, new opportunities to expand your faith. The latest Faith Formation brochure is now available for winter/spring 2018. Make a resolution to grow closer to God in 2018. Click to download the brochure, or pick one up on Sunday from the Faith Formation table in the Chapel Hallway
Connect Kids Newsletter – October 2017
Check out this month’s Connect Kids newsletter for information on events and ideas to help inspire family faith growth.
Fall Faith Formation Booklet Now Available
Practice Discipleship and Grow Your Faith Make 2017 the year you take the first step along your own personal Faith Growth Pathway. Join one or more of the many fall classes or studies being offered at Central. This year, be deliberate about your faith and join the many people actively practicing Discipleship. Download the Fall 2017 Faith Formation Opportunities booklet today.

Peacemakers Workshop
Join us on Saturday, September 23rd from 9am – 11am for a workshop on peacemaking. Open to all ages. Click here for more info.