'Central United Methodist Church' Tagged Posts (Page 14)

Our New Guide Book & Directory is Here!

Our New Guide Book & Directory is Here!

Look in your mailbox for our new Guide Book & Directory. They should be arriving in the coming week. Please familiarize yourself with the ministries and organizations at our church located in the front of the book. An electronic PDF version of the Guide Section of the book, which you can download to your computer, smart phone, or tablet is available for download at your convenience. To download the Online Guide Section: Visit GuideBookPublishing.com/booklist.php Click on our state followed by…
Rally Day at Central United Methodist Church in Waterford MI

Rally Day 2017

Welcome Home, Welcome Here Join us for a fun-filled community open house. Come any time and stay as long as you like. Everyone is invited, so tell your friends and family about it; the more the merrier! The event will be held on September 10th, from 9:30 am – Noon. We invite you to help make this year’s Rally Day the best ever by inviting friends and family, and we’re making it easy to do that. Distribute Door Hangers. You can…

Central Cinema Schedule Now Available

Central Cinema offers our community the opportunity for good food, good fun and good fellowship. Come enjoy an evening of entertainment and perhaps even make new friends! Bring snacks to share and bring your friends! First Saturday of the Month @6pm (unless otherwise noted) September – June Admission is Free! Click to view the current schedule
Project Backpack Waterford MI

CUMC Supporting Project Backpack Again This Year

Once again Central United Methodist Church is collecting school supplies for Project Backpack. School supplies and backpacks will be collected through Friday, August 18th at several drop-off locations throughout the Waterford area. The supplies will then be distributed through the schools to students in need throughout the Waterford School District. Help us get the kids off to a great start by donating: Backpacks Calculators Colored Pencils Crayons (24 count) Erasers Glue Sticks Highlighters Markers Notebooks Notebook Paper Pencil Boxes Pencils…

Riverside Elementary Book Fair & Ice Cream Social

One of the ways that our congregation is building relationships in the community is through our partnership with Riverside Elementary School. Last year I asked the principal how we (CUMC) could partner with the school. The principal, Mrs. Grambush, suggested that they had not had a summer book exchange in many years and wondered if we might be able to do that. Last summer, we held a very successful Ice Cream Social that included a summer reading exchange for Riverside…
Waterford Central United Methodist Bike Drive

SARN Bike Drive a Huge Success

Bikes, Helmets, Locks and Funds Were Donated Thank you to everyone that participated in the bike drive for the Syrian American Rescue Network (SARN). Donations included: 28 bikes 9 helmets 10 bike locks 10 monetary donations to SARN The bikes will go to support families that have been resettled in southeast Michigan as part of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Act, and will help families establish a solid foothold in their new location. The drive was coordinated by Barb Speice in…