'2018' Tagged Posts
2018 Stewardship Study
Earn. Save. Give: Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money by James A. Harnish John Wesley boils fiscal responsibilities down to just three rules: Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Sounds simple, right? Yes, but not easy, especially in today’s culture of consumerism. This twenty-first century translation of Wesley’s money management philosophy will give everyone in a new way to think about money. Join us for this 2018 stewardship study! There will be three options for…
VBS 2018
Monday, June 25th – Friday, June 29th Go On a Rolling River Rampage This year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be an action-packed adventure to experience the ride of a lifetime with God! Along the river, children discover that life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise, and that they can trust God to be with them through anything. Relevant music, exciting science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories will help kids know that God…
The Chimes – March 4, 2018
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VBS Volunteers Needed
Lead kids on an action-packed VBS adventure! Cokesbury’s Rolling River Rampage invites children on a white-water rafting adventure to experience the ride of a lifetime with God! Along the river, children discover that life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise, and that they can trust God to be with them through anything. Relevant music, exciting science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories will help kids know that God is always with them as they…