'2017' Tagged Posts

Defying Gravity - 2017 Stewardship Central Methodist Church

Defying Gravity

2017 Stewardship This year’s stewardship campaign involves the study of Pastor Tom Berlin’s book Defying Gravity: Break Free from the Culture of More. In his book, Berlin discusses the pull of “financial gravity” on our lives and how to change this perspective and see generosity as a deliberate practice that actually moves us closer to God through stewardship of His Kingdom. I invite you to join us as we work through Berlin’s book during study group and Sunday messages to…
Central UMC Rally Day 2017

Rally Day 2017

A great time was had by all at this year’s Rally Day. The weather was beautiful and it was a great day to kick off our Fall programming and to get “back to church.” Thanks to everyone who volunteered and helped make this a fun day.
Our New Guide Book & Directory is Here!

Our New Guide Book & Directory is Here!

Look in your mailbox for our new Guide Book & Directory. They should be arriving in the coming week. Please familiarize yourself with the ministries and organizations at our church located in the front of the book. An electronic PDF version of the Guide Section of the book, which you can download to your computer, smart phone, or tablet is available for download at your convenience. To download the Online Guide Section: Visit GuideBookPublishing.com/booklist.php Click on our state followed by…
Project Backpack Waterford MI

CUMC Supporting Project Backpack Again This Year

Once again Central United Methodist Church is collecting school supplies for Project Backpack. School supplies and backpacks will be collected through Friday, August 18th at several drop-off locations throughout the Waterford area. The supplies will then be distributed through the schools to students in need throughout the Waterford School District. Help us get the kids off to a great start by donating: Backpacks Calculators Colored Pencils Crayons (24 count) Erasers Glue Sticks Highlighters Markers Notebooks Notebook Paper Pencil Boxes Pencils…