Ash Wednesday, March 2nd
6:30–9:00am—Drive Thru Coffee & Ashes
9:00am–noon—Ashes available in the Chapel
7:00pm Service of Ashes—Message: Pass Me Not—The Vision of Lent, by Pastor Jack Mannschreck. Based on Mark 10:46-52.
Join Online Worship at
In-Person at 3882 Highland Rd., Waterford, MI 48328 [click for map]
Studies and Devotionals
Lenten Message Study, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm with Pastor Jack, via Zoom
A weekly deep dive into our Lenten message series Pass Me Not. We’ll look at the scripture, review key points of the message and discuss how it applies to our lives as followers of Christ. Join us for any or all of these studies, conducted via Zoom so that you can join from the comfort of your home. To get on the distribution list for the Zoom link contact the church office or email Pastor Jack.
Restored: Finding Redemption in Our Mess, Thursdays, 6:30–7:30 pm with Rev. Cora in the Parlor, March 3rd–April 7th
Often we make a mess of our lives and wonder if there is any redemption. In this six-week study, pastor and author Tom Berlin helps us see our mess through the eyes of Christ to find redemption and restoration. Follow along in the book, available for $10 in the church office, or use each week’s short video lesson to join in our discussion. Masks are strongly encouraged. Please email Rev. Cora if you are interested in the class.
Lenten Prayer Packets for Families
Sign up to receive a Lenten prayer packet. This includes a pack of 40 prayers you and your family can pray together and postcards that you can send to friends, family, or your church as you pray for them. This resource was designed with elementary students in mind but can be used by people of all ages.
Rev. Cora has compiled a list of resources to help you practice devotions during this Lenten season. You can find these resources at
You can also pick up devotionals from the Chapel Hallway.
Lenten Message Series
Pass Me Not
The hymn, Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior (UMH No. 351) is the inspiration for this series of messages as we recognize Jesus’ ministry “on the road.” As we travel the journey of Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday, we will join the chorus of Biblical witnesses in pleading, “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior.”
Ministry and Missions
Jail and Outreach Ministry
We are collecting funds again this year to purchase items for Easter baskets and Easter dinners for families of inmates. Please mark your check JOM on the memo line.
Lenten Food Drive
During Lent, we will be collecting food for Central’s food pantry. Place donations on the table at the front of the Sanctuary. Pastor Jack will bless the food donations on Palm Sunday. For more info and a list of needed items, visit
Easter Offering
In support of Central’s Hunger Ministry strategic initiative, a portion of this year’s Easter offering will be donated to Oakland Hope and Waterford Open Door.