Lent at Central Church

Lent at Central Church

Lenten Message Series

Praying with Jesus

This series will explore the prayer life of Jesus and the many expressions of prayer that Jesus demonstrated throughout his time on earth. Pastor Jack will introduce a different prayer discipline or practice throughout the series.

Lenten Message Study

Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm with Pastor Jack, via Zoom

A weekly deep dive into our Lenten message series Praying with Jesus. We’ll explore scripture, review key points of the message, and discuss how it applies to our lives as followers of Christ. Join us for any or all of these studies, conducted via Zoom so that you can join from the comfort of your home. To get on the distribution list for the Zoom link contact the church office or email Pastor Jack at ([email protected]).

Believe Like Jesus: Rising from Faith in Jesus to the Faith of Jesus

Thursdays, 11am–Noon and 6:30–7:30pm beginning March 6th

As Christians, we’ve always been asked to live our faith out loud. While we may feel silenced by the tremendous number of issues we face, we must rise to the challenge of our times; we must draw on a more active faith. We must dig deeper to make an impact. But what if we changed our mindset? What if we rise from having faith in Jesus to having the faith of Jesus? What is the faith of Jesus? How do we learn to believe like Jesus? Would this mindset change our lives, our communities, our world?
Take an inward journey of spiritual transformation to live courageously, grow strong and thrive. Rising from Faith in Jesus to the Faith of Jesus!

You can purchase a copy of the book Believe Like Jesus by Rebekah Simon-Peter from Cokesbury or Barnes & Noble.

Lenten Lunch & Learn

Wednesdays @ 12:15pm, March 12th, 19th, 26th and April 2nd, 9th, 16th

Bring your lunch and join Rev. Deb for a study based on the book When the World Takes the Wind Out of Your Sails by James Moore.

Lent Worship

March 5th–Ash Wednesday

  • 6:30–9:00am—Drive Thru Coffee & Ashes
  • 9:00am–noon—Ashes in the Chapel
  • 7:00pm—Service of Ashes. Praying with Jesus: The Value of Prayer. Based on Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 and John 14:1-14. Coach Patty and the children will Hide the Alleluia.

Sunday Lenten Services, 8:45 & 10:30am

March 9th–First Sunday in Lent

Praying with Jesus: Listening for God based on Luke 9:28-43a.

March 16th–Second Sunday in Lent

Praying with Jesus: Prayer in Times of Trouble based on John 12:20-33.

March 23rd–Third Sunday in Lent

Praying with Jesus: Praise God! based on Psalm 100 and Luke 10:1-23.

March 30th–Fourth Sunday in Lent

Praying with Jesus: The High Priestly Prayer (Part 1) based on John 17:1-11.

April 6th–Fifth Sunday in Lent

Praying with Jesus: The High Priestly Prayer (Part 2) based on John 17:12-25.

Worship In-Person or Online at Live.WaterfordCUMC.org

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