Christmas Worship Services

Christmas Worship Services

Blue Christmas

Wednesday, December 11th, 7:00pm

It is important to allow time to acknowledge our sorrows and pain. Waterford Central United Methodist Church invites the community to grieve and heal, leaving their Blue Christmas at the altar, readying themselves to follow a star and find peace this Advent season. Through the simple lighting of candles, we will acknowledge the sorrow of the loved one who has passed in death, the employment that has been lost or remains elusive, the change in family dynamic that has radically altered relationships, or any other of life’s many challenges. Leave your loss and discouragement at the altar in readiness to welcome the Christ Child.

Family Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 24th, 5:00pm

A family-friendly “candlelight” Christmas worship that is interactive, festive, and engaging for all ages. Family Christmas is ideal for families with younger children who may not be able to stay up late enough or sit through a traditional candlelight worship service. This service will share the wonder of the Christmas story through short scripture readings and favorite Christmas hymns. Bring the whole family and experience the joy of Christmas together.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Tuesday, December 24th, 8:00pm

Hear the story of Simeon and Anna told through scripture and drama. Sing your favorite carols with Waterford Central’s Chancel Choir. This beautiful service is an opportunity to connect with God and others as we celebrate the birth of Christ. The service features:

  • Music by Waterford Central’s Music Director, Dr. Aran Kim, played on a magnificent pipe organ
  • Liturgical dance presented by Waterford Central’s Reunion Dancers
  • A dramatic rendition of the story of Simeon and Anna, who both recognized Mary and Joseph’s newborn son as the Messiah when he was presented to God in the temple
  • The lighting of candles and the singing of Silent Night

Experience the warmth and friendship of a community of Christ-followers as we celebrate the coming of the light into a dark world.