Central’s 2021 Missional Initiatives

Central’s 2021 Missional Initiatives

Waterford Central United Methodist Church is taking on four strategic initiatives over the next 12-18 months. These initiatives are at the heart of the ministries you’ve told us are important to this congregation. Like all ministries, to be successful we need support. Below are descriptions of each initiative and the persons who have led the initial concept phase of each. Please prayerfully consider each initiative and, if you feel called, volunteer to be part of one of the teams that will carry these initiatives forward. You can sign up by emailing or calling the church office at 248-681-0040, or use the form below to indicate your area(s) of interest. We aim to kick off each initiative in April.

Engaging with Remote Worshipers

We have been able to reach many new worshipers through our Livestream services. As we plan to return to in-person worship, we will continue to Livestream the services. This initiative seeks to expand the worship ministry to our on-line audience by envisioning new ways to connect with this community and putting in place a sustainable plan that ensures we can help this community grow in its faith. Members of this team will expand upon the ideas formulated during the conception of this initiative which includes worship, small groups, pastoral care, and giving, as well as measuring success.

Concept Team: Robin Danek and Pastor Jack

Congregational Care System

Expanding upon efforts already in place to reach our congregation, including homebound and convalescing members, this initiative seeks to establish a Congregational “Shepherd” Program. This program will train the laity to care for a segment of our church members and friends. These “shepherds” would be responsible for a cluster of 20-30 people that will ensure all our members—active, inactive, homebound, and new visitors/members—would be cared for through this ministry. Volunteers for this initiative will expand on the concepts already envisioned, define training needs and resources, and initiate a pilot that will grow after momentum is built.

Concept Team: Kelly Cortese and Pastor Jack

Hunger Ministries

Central Church supports many hunger ministries through partnerships (Baldwin Center, Blessings in a Backpack, etc.) and our own missions (Food Pantry, Good Sam, etc.). This initiative seeks to expand efforts, supporting a new food pantry at Kettering High School. Volunteers for this initiative will approach Kettering, determine how best to support them, and create a means to provide food and/or funds.

Concept Team: Catrina Cortese and Rev. Cora

LGBTQ+ Inclusiveness

The objective of this initiative is to create a safe and welcoming church community to which LGBTQ+ can become part of a greater family of Christians. Beyond simply welcoming LGBTQ+ into our Sanctuary, WCUMC must change its culture to truly accept this community of persons as family, educate ourselves on what a safe congregation is, and practice creating a congregation for all. Volunteers for this initiative will leverage several resources, including but not limited to Reconciling Ministries and interviews with congregations that have successfully become reconciling congregations, to define inclusiveness for WCUMC, build a plan for LGBTQ+ inclusiveness, conduct small group meetings, and work toward achieving the goals of being reconciling and inclusive.

Concept Team: Rev. Cora, Pastor Jack, Ken Cortese, Joe Humphrey, Sam Osborn, Mark Strobel

If you feel called to participate in any of these initiatives, use the form below or email or call the church office at (248) 681-0040. For more information, you can call Pastor Jack, the people listed under each initiative, or Mark Strobel. Thanks for considering these important areas of ministry that reflect our Mission Statement: Central UMC – Connecting with God, Connecting with Others, Changing our World with Christ’s Love.