Posts by Robin Danek (Page 19)
Small Group: Vital Conversations on Race, Culture & Justice
Central will be offering the small group “Vital Conversations on Race, Culture, and Justice.” This program is offered as a way to begin a dialogue, face our misconceptions and fears, and move deliberately to spiritual, community, and social transformation.
Weekly Newsletter – February 1st, 2021
While in-person worship is suspended Central has moved to a weekly newsletter that is sent out on Monday to keep our members and friends updated on Central’s services, missions and ministry during the pandemic. Click the button below to download the newsletter in PDF format. Click here for back issues of Central newsletters.
Weekly Newsletter – January 25th, 2021
While in-person worship is suspended Central has moved to a weekly newsletter that is sent out on Monday to keep our members and friends updated on Central’s services, missions and ministry during the pandemic. Click the button below to download the newsletter in PDF format. Click here for back issues of Central newsletters.
Weekly Newsletter – January 19th, 2021
While in-person worship is suspended Central has moved to a weekly newsletter that is sent out on Monday to keep our members and friends updated on Central’s services, missions and ministry during the pandemic. Click the button below to download the newsletter in PDF format. Click here for back issues of Central newsletters.
Weekly Newsletter – January 11th, 2021
While in-person worship is suspended Central has moved to a weekly newsletter that is sent out on Monday to keep our members and friends updated on Central’s services, missions and ministry during the pandemic. Click the button below to download the newsletter in PDF format. Click here for back issues of Central newsletters.
Advent & Christmas 2020
This Advent will look like no other! But we are still called to await the coming of our savior. Below are a few ways you might find to connect with God’s good news this Advent and Christmas. Message Series This Advent, Pastor Jack and Rev. Cora will preach a series called Travel Light. This five-message series examines what it means to “Travel Light.” How do we get rid of that which burdens our lives? We’ll focus during this Season of…
ShopWithScrip Gift Card Christmas Holiday COVID-19 Update
Many stores now sell gift cards from popular retailers. Central Church also sells gift cards through the ShopWithScrip Gift Card Program. Gift cards are ordered at a small discount (1-15%) through the Great Lakes Scrip Center. You pay the card’s retail value and receive full shopping credit; the difference is a rebate the church earns. During the COVID-19 pandemic and pause of in-person worship, we have not been able to accept gift card orders at the Scrip Table before and…
Advent by Candlelight 2020
While we are not able to be in person for this Advent reflection and celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, we do want to provide an opportunity for you to reach out and virtually share an experience with friends and family in preparation for the holiday season. This year, we are encouraging hostesses to select a day and time to host an online Zoom event for friends and family. You will be provided with music, scripture, and reflections on…
30 Days Thankful
Looking to cultivate an “attitude of gratitude” this November? Join our Facebook group for daily posts, weekly devotionals, and ongoing discussion throughout November to help cultivate thankfulness. To join the study: Click here to request a 30 Days Thankful guide in digital or hard copy Click here to request to join our Facebook Group Use your guidebook and/or Facebook Group daily for inspiration, posts, discussion, and Livestream devotionals. For questions, contact Rev. Cora.
Generosity 2020
During the four messages of our Jesus and We campaign, we considered what it would mean to be faith-filled, big-thinking, bet the farm risk-taking followers of Christ, asked whether we are spiritual consumers or spiritual contributors, explored what it means to be irrationally generous, and examined what it looks like to do anything (short of sin) to change our world with the love of Christ. In his greeting to the people of Philippi (Philippians 1:3-7), Paul recognized that the people…